Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

New Zealand Alpine Club Kulu Centennial

This 18-member party had as its objectives Papsura (6,451m), Devachan (6,187m) and Sentinel (5,939m) at the head of the Tos Nullah. Devachan and Sentinel (by W ridge) were climbed but the attempt on Papsura was abandoned when one climber fell to his death.

August - October 1991
Donald French with Peter Barnes, Nicholas Brown, Dr Murry Cave, Dr Moira Collins, Robin Gurr, Christopher Hoare, Christopher Jackson, David King, Robin McBrearty, Kenneth Mitchell, Diana Munster, Michael Peat, Roger Redmayne, Neil Sheerin, Darryl Steel, Erica Steele and Clinton Wadesworth

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