Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services East Nepal Expedition 1983

Lt-Col Keelan led a party of 12 members of Royal Marines, Royal Navy and RAF on a successful first British ascent of Manaslu North. After a long approach march by the Buru Gandaki, Base Camp was pitched at 3,840m beside the Manaslu glacier. Four members reached the summit on 10 May, climbing to the col between Manaslu and Manaslu North and thence by a heavily corniced ridge. On the descent they found Camp 3 devastated by an avalanche which had fallen during the day. There were no casualties at any time on this expedition.

March - June 1983
Lt-Col Dougie Keelan, Lt P H Parsons, Lt Cdr C Hattersley, Surg Lt A R O Miller, Fit Lt K E Hunter, Surg Lt J Weyndling, 2Lt J O'Brien Gore, Cpl Tech R Fountain, Cpl T G Moore, Cpl S J Last, Cpl I E Atkins and Cpl D Borthwick

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