Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Everest - NE Ridge

This strong team succeeded in overcoming the 'last great challenge' of Everest: the pinnacles of the NE ridge were traversed by H Taylor and R Brice on 5 August. Bad weather brought the wise decision not to attempt to push along the N ridge to the summit but to descend by the traditional route via the North Col.

June - August 1988
Brummie Stokes with, Paul Moores, Philip Hornblower, Graham Stokes, Harry Taylor, Russell Brice, Joe Brown, Mo Anthoine, John English, Pete Long, Ali Kellas, Davy Jones, Ian Nicholson, Trevor Williams, Same Roberts, Bill Barker, Loel Guinness, David Williams, Jim Curran, Flyn Dyson and Gerry Gellespie

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