Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Djenghi-Djer Expedition

Exploration and climbing in unexplored valleys in the Djenghi-Djer mountain range in SE Kyrgyzstan. Travelling was by horseback for reasons of speed and flexibility – an interesting choice when only one of the participants had previous riding experience. They travelled by taxi from Bishkek to Kara-Say via Tamga, and here they picked up their horses – one each plus four for the baggage. They rode west to their first base camp in the east of the range. They then set up a series of three further base camps along the north side of the range, the furthest 80km from Kara-Say, and generally about one hour from the start of their peaks. Climbing in pairs they made five ascents, four believed firsts. These were Mt Trident (4436m, Mt Stann Chonofsky (4412m), An Trus (4168m), Clachan Niall (4135m) and Pointsystem (4157m). Routes were generally PD or AD, with one D. They identified numerous more unclimbed peaks.

July - August 2016
Struan Chisholm, Calum Nicholl, Sandy Fowler, Sam Newmark, Mark Chonofsky and Neil Smith

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