Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Xixabangma (Shishapangma) 1982

Shishapangma (Sanskrit name Gosainthan) was first climbed by the Chinese in 1964 and by four expeditions in 1980/81. Alex McIntyre, Roger Baxter-Jones, Doug Scott and Nick Prescott succeeded in their objective of the unclimbed and virtually unknown SW face. Though they found it somewhat easier than expected, and not so long (about 2,600 vertical metres) it proved a most satisfying climb 'a classic line up varied terrain on a major face, isolated and unexplored'. They reached both the W and E summits of Shishapangma (8,046m); the latter may not have previously been climbed. The party also claims the first ascent of Pungpa Ri (7,445m), really the SW shoulder of Shishapangma.

April - June 1981
Alex McIntyre, Roger Baxter-Jones, Doug Scott, Nick Prescott, Paul Braithwaite and Elaine Brook

Other expeditions nearby