Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Solu 2001

During his expedition to the Solu Glacier in 2000 (00/33) this leader was attracted by a 5,901m peak which he named 'Solu Brakk': this year he returned hoping to make its first ascent. Although the approach started with an easy glacier walk, a big ice fall with crevasses and overhanging ice cliffs prevented access to the peak itself, so the team looked around for alternative objectives. Some 10 km to the west, Sugula Peak, 6,102m, was attempted but foiled by bad weather and snow conditions: however, climbing at Alpine AD, they achieved the probable fIrst ascent of a subsidiary 5,800m summit which they named 'Ice Cream Peak'.

July - August 2001
Dave Wilkinson with Bill Church, Stephen Kennedy and Stewart Muir

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