Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Seligman Harris Mt Everest NE Ridge Expedition

This large and strong team under Brummie Stokes established Advanced Base at 6,400m on 18 August. Making a new approach to the NE ridge, they placed a snowhole camp below the first buttress; two weeks later ropes were fixed to 7,770m and the foot of the pinnacles at 7,900m was reached on 15 October. Violent winds prevented the high-level team of two from crossing the pinnacles and, after four heavy snowstorms, the expedition retreated on 19 October.

July - October 1986
Brummie Stokes with Paul Moores, Philip Horniblow, Patrick Green, Harry Taylor, Joe Brown, Mo Athoine, John English, Pete Long, Ali Kellas, Clive Rowlands, Will Thomson, Paul Nunn, Trevor Pilling, Sam Roberts, Bill Barker, Paddy Freaney, Loel Guinness, Ronnie Faux, Tony Riley, Chris Knowles, Nigel Goldsack and Steven Ley from Britain

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