Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Rolwaling Expedition

During November, a British expedition travelled to the Rolwaling Himalaya where they established basecamp on the Ripimoshar Glacier. Their primary intention was a new route on Drangnag Ri. Following a heavy monsoon season the party found difficult snow conditions on the mountain and despite finding a route up the glacier and reaching the col between Drangnag Ri and Khang Kharpo they were forced to abandon their original plan after climbing to a high point of 6100m. They switched instead to a smaller, secondary objective: an unclimbed mountain (Pk 5981m) close to their basecamp. Leaving base camp at 3am they set out with the aim of first reaching the col. Unfortunately, the rock quality was found to be poor and, despite persevering, a detached block caused Connor to fall and break his leg. Rescue was requested and Connor and Will began lowering from the route, eventually meeting the rest of the party who were coming up from base camp. The helicopter arrived the following day to take Connor to the Norvic Hospital and the rest of the team returned separately to Kathmandu without further incident.

November 2019
Ken Hopper, Simon Tietjen, Connor Holdsworth, Rich Lade and Will Rowland

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