Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British-Pakistani Forces Himalayan 1958

Building on the experience of the 1956 British-American Karakoram Expedition, this party established a series of camps up Rakaposhi's (7788m) south-west spur to a height of 23,000 feet. From here, Brooke and Grant operated as support for Patey and Banks, carrying supplies to the pair's advanced camp at 24,000 feet. On the 25 June, Patey and Banks set out for the summit, choosing to make their attempt despite poor weather conditions. After 5 hours of climbing and both suffering from mild frostbite, they reached the summit before returning quickly to their high camp. Three days later the whole team returned to base camp. The mountain had been climbed for the first time and without the use of supplementary Oxygen. 

May - 1958
Capt. Michael E. B. Banks, Lt. Com. R. F. Brooke, Lt. T. W. Patey, Capt. R. N. Grant, Capt. E. J. E. Mills, Capt. W. M. M. Deacock, Fl. Lt. J. R. Sims, Capt. Mohammad Shah Khan, and Capt. Raja Mohammad Aslam

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