Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British/lndian Police Himalayan Expedition

Parties from this team of 18 British police and, as it turned out, one Indian policeman succeeded in the first British ascents of Jogin I (6,465 m) and Jogin III (6,342m) in the Gangotri area. Bad weather forced retreat from the N ridge of Peak 6,529m.

August-September 1986
Chief Superintendent John Peck with Chief Superintendent Michael Shamrock, Superintendent PM Das, Dr Lew Hardy, Dr Peter Saundra, Trevor Barnes, Gordon Briggs, Stuart Davis, Tony Dawson, Fraser Dodds, Steve Molloy, Chris Parkin, Bob Parry, Jim Price, John Richmond, John Robertson, Trog Royle, Steve Sands and Nick Southen

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