Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Cape Farewell 1957

Based out of Nanortalik, the expedition spent two weeks near Tasermiut fjord during which time they made attempts on two peaks of around 5000ft. in height. On one they were successful, but were forced to turn back 100ft. shy of the other's summit. On the descent from the second peak, Radage broke a toe and Sutton left the expedition not long afterwards. With only two active members of the expedition remaining, the subsequent mountaineering activity was limited to a week on the island of Sermersok, where Fletcher and Francis made an ascent of Sermersok Peak (4200ft.). Additionally, Francis and Fletcher made collections of geological and botanical samples respectively on behalf of the British Museum.

G. J. Sutton, T. Fletcher, G. H. Francis, and H. Radage