Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Bezingi Glacier

This was an attempt to complete the first Alpine-style traverse of the Central Caucasus mountains (graded Russian 6A or Alpine ED). After achieving the main summit of Dykh-Tau (5,198m) they turned its eastern peak by traversing across the top of the N face and bivouacked before Pik Pushkin (5,100m). Just before Baravikova (4,880m), a crampon broke and disappeared down the slope, adding to their problems just as the snow turned to ice. They traversed Mishirgi West (5,025m) and Mishirgi East (4,198m) before the weather broke so, having done the crux of the route, they descended to the Bezingi glacier.

July - August 1995
Jose Luis Bermudez with Mark Gray

Other expeditions nearby