Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British American South Greenland 2000

Climbing in strictly national parties, between them this team achieved 13 first ascents on 12 unclimbed peaks between 1,112m and 1,948m in areas to the north of Kangikitsoq Fjord and to the east of Kangersuneq Qingordleq (Fjord). The rock (granite) varied from 'astounding' to 'horrendous'. The great success of the expedition was largely due to the swarms of mosquito and black fly which shared their base camp, giving little incentive for hanging around.

July - August 2000
Jim Lowther with Chris Bonington, Rob Ferguson and John Porter from England, Graham Little and Scott Muir from Scotland and Mark Richey and Mark Wilford from USA

Other expeditions nearby