Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Brathay Exploration Group Greenland 2006

Although carried out under the auspices of a commercial company, this was actually an independent expedition of present and potential leaders. Their aim was to explore a previously unvisited area of the East Greenland ice cap and also to collect lichens for scientific research. The area was chosen in conjunction with Paul Walker of Tangent Expeditions who arranged for them to be dropped off at an area known as 'camp icefall'. Despite the weather being too 'warm', with temperatures never dropping below -12°C and usually between -60 and +3°C overnight (and up to 19°C during the day) they succeeded in making first ascents of five mountains by routes ranging from Alpine F to D, as well as three others climbed on ski.

July - August 2006
Paul Williams with Peter Clutton-Brock, Miles Doughty, Anna Griffith, Gavin Henderson, Thomas Moorcroft, Andrew Watson and James Watson

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