Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

ASPEX '91 Anglo-Soviet Pamir Caving Expedition

Seven British and eleven Russian speleologists aimed to follow up the 1990 exploration (90/36) of the 'Dark Star' cave in the Hodja Gur Ata massif in the Bajsuntai Khrebet region of Uzbekistan. The frozen streamway of 'Dark Star' had inconveniently melted, but useful exploration was made of 'Morning Star' and 'Prima' caves, as well as of various cave entrances along the 30km long rock wall.

July - August 1991
Paul Vale, Stephen Brown, Dave Checkley, Christopher Dent, Adrian Gregory, Bernard Maddison and Kevin Senior from the UK with Vladimir Choudinov, Vladimir Efimov, Yuri Kroulskoi, Alexander Plishkin, Misha Tolorov, Dima Tarasov, Lyenia, Anvar, Nastia, Sergey, Inga and Elena from Russia

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