Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Annapurna II 1957

The expedition aimed to make an ascent of Annapurna II by climbing over the shoulder of Annapurna IV and traversing the ridge that connects the two peaks. In early May, with their accompanying Sherpas unwell, Davis and Evans made the second ascent of Annapurna IV. Following this ascent, their plan was to make an attempt on Annapurna II by first establishing a camp V on the connecting ridge. The weather had been poor throughout their trip and, on the day of the attempt, they found their progress to be too slow and the drop from the ridge too daunting to continue. They adbandoned their attempt and descended in a blizzard.

April - May 1957
D. P. Davis and R. C. Evans with sherpas Dawa Tensing, Urkien, Mingma Tsering and Pasang Sonam

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