Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Agyasol (6203m)

Though bad weather foiled two attempts to make the first ascent of Agyasol, the Kingston Polytechnic team have made a useful contribution to Himalayan topography with their survey of the complex Agyasol massif in the bend of the Dharlang River/Bhut Nullah, N of the Chenab River, and in climbing the previously unexplored Hadar Nullah, running up to the heart of the massif. They located and named several major peaks not shown on the Indian Survey maps, in particular the twin-peaked Tibitsi I and II ( (5,600m), Eyrie (6,035m), Fortress (5,760m) and Babat (local name for point 5,698m).

August/September 1980

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