Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Cambridge Gangotri 1992

A four-man party hoped to achieve the first ascent of Manda III (6,529m) by its NW face but gave up when they found that the snow was very avalanche prone. An attempt on Jogin III (6,116m) was within Read more

Expedition: British K7 1993

This five-man team hoped to make the first ascent of the SW ridge of this 6,934m peak in the Hushe valley (2nd overall) but experienced appalling weather, with 26 days of snow. They also suffered malf Read more

Expedition: ASPEX '91 Anglo-Soviet Pamir Caving Expedition

Seven British and eleven Russian speleologists aimed to follow up the 1990 exploration (90/36) of the 'Dark Star' cave in the Hodja Gur Ata massif in the Bajsuntai Khrebet region of Uzbekistan. The fr Read more

Expedition: 'Janka Raju' 1986

Climbing teams from this six-man group achieved first ascents of the NW face of Nevado Cayesh and of P5,420 to S of Nevado Cayesh; also attempted the unclimbed E ridge of Nevado Caras II. Read more

Expedition: British Fullers K2 Expedition 1986

In a year when nine expeditions were given permits and 13 climbers perished on the mountain, this strong team of prominent British climbers, led by AI Rouse and John Batty, were forced by prolonged an Read more