Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Scottish Himalayan 1996

Two days before this team was due to depart for an attempt on Gupta Peak, c5,880m, in East Kishtwar, they received a fax indicating that the Government of India had not accorded clearance. Incredibly, Read more

Expedition: British Gaurishankar 1995

Ideas of attempting the West Face of this striking 7,134m peak were scrapped when it was realised that the approach might take three weeks. Permission was therefore obtained to transfer to the SE Ridg Read more

Expedition: Caucasus Ski Traverse 1996

This party planned to make the first high level ski traverse of the central section of the Russian Caucasus from Verkhny Balkaria in the east to Terskol in the west. There were a number of team change Read more

Expedition: Irian Jaya 1995

As a result of information received from a locally based Australian caver, this team visited Irian Jaya to investigate the caving potential of the area. They explored and surveyed two major systems an Read more

Expedition: Cardiff University Greenland 1994

Six scientists working in the Stauning Alps experienced mostly excellent weather, enabling them to carry out their work programme before attempting some new routes in the area. They achieved the summi Read more