Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Female Bolivian Cordillera Real 2001

Whilst returning from an earlier Bolivian expedition, this leader spotted some attractive peaks in a remote area of the Cordillera Real which appeared to offer plenty of scope for exploration. The fir Read more

Expedition: Greenland 2001 - Tilman in a New Millennium (Year 2)

In 2000, this leader sailed his 10m sloop Dodo's Delight from Scotland to commence an exploration of mountains close to the west coast of Greenland (MEF Ref 00/09). After wintering the boat in Greenla Read more

Expedition: British Foraker Traverse 1997

Having planned to make the first traverse of Mts Crosson and Foraker from north to south, this team was disappointed on arrival in Alaska to find that two local climbers had just beaten them to it. Ra Read more

Expedition: British Sikkim 1996

Until 1962, Sikkim was a popular haunt of British climbers, but then the 'Inner Line' was drawn, and everything changed. However, following a barrage of letters from Scott and various others, this exp Read more

Expedition: Scottish Himalayan 1997

From the summit of the Kullu Eiger in 1996 (96/24) this leader spotted The Throne, rising to 5,840m above the Parbati Valley, and thus the present expedition was spawned. An attempt on the very steep Read more