Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: 1975/76 South Patagonia Ice Cap

Cerro Stokes (2140m) and others Read more

Expedition: British (Derbyshire) Nanda Devi 1979

Expedition: British Hayes Range

This team hoped to make the first ascent of the west ridge of Mount Hayes (4216m), the highest peak in the remote Eastern Alaska Range. However, when they arrived in the area and discussed their plans Read more

Expedition: Hayes Range

The principal objective was of Peak 10910, SW of Mount Hayes. They flew in from Fairbanks to an un-named glacier to the W of Mount Hayes. They spent 9 nights in this camp, and it snowed most of these Read more

Expedition: Alpine Climbing Group 2018 Borkoldoy Expedition

Based on reports from a previous expedition to the Borkoldoy range, the party had identified three principle objectives in an unexplored region to the South-West of Kainar Lake. After arriving in Bish Read more