Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Joint Services East Nepal Expedition 1983

Lt-Col Keelan led a party of 12 members of Royal Marines, Royal Navy and RAF on a successful first British ascent of Manaslu North. After a long approach march by the Buru Gandaki, Base Camp was pitch Read more

Expedition: British Borneo Sabah Expedition 1983

D. Nicol and his team of 5 spent 3 weeks on the summit of Mt. Kinabalu (4,100m) with the object of climbing on the tremendous 900m granite walls to the North-East. As the 'youngest major mountain' in Read more

Expedition: Army Mountaineering Association Api Expedition (1980)

A 12-man team, led by Major Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw, attempted a new route on the S face of Api (7,132m) in the pre-monsoon period. Though bedevilled by repeated snowfalls, 2 attempts were made o Read more

Expedition: Reading Climbing Group Expedition to Kangde (1981)

Three members of this team successfully accomplished a new route up the NE face of Kangde Shar (6,100m), just W of Namche Bazar, which they found difficult enough to be interesting without being despe Read more

Expedition: British Padar Himalayan Expedition 1980

Their report, though late, is a fine tribute to the memory of Christopher Lloyd, who fell to his death on 23 August 1980 near the summit of Chiring Peak, at the head of the Hagshu Nullah in Kishtwar. Read more