Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: 1995 British Women Trango Tower

Sharing a permit with 95/12, this team hoped to be the first all-female team to climb the monolith by the Slovene route. Approaching from the Dunge glacier they reached 5,100m before the permanent thr Read more

Expedition: British Ultar 1994

The team hoped to make the first ascent of this 7,388m peak in Hunza, possibly from the rarely attempted N side. This proved impractical owing to an extremely broken glacier, so they turned their atte Read more

Expedition: Nanga Parbat 1993

After an abortive attempt on the Mazeno Ridge last year (92/17) the leader returned with one Polish companion in the hope of completing the ridge. After making first ascents of Mazeno Spire and Mazeno Read more

Expedition: British Makrong Chhish Expedition

This four-member party attempted the S face and E ridge of Makrong Chhish in the Hispar region, reaching 6000m; but, on descent in avalanche conditions, two men fell over an icecliff to their death. Read more

Expedition: UK-New Zealand Lobuje East (6119m)

After climbing the S ridge to the false summit (6,070m), this four-member team made an extensive reconnaissance of routes on the W and E faces. Ice conditions caused them to abandon a new route on the Read more