Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Anglo-New Zealand Djangart 2013

This team (mainly from the Universities of Leeds & Sheffield) decided that in view of its relatively easy access and lack of bureaucracy, the Djangart Range would be a good choice for a first expe Read more

Expedition: Zhongdian Caving Expedition

The leader of this team of cave divers had visited the Zhongdian mountains of Yunnan on several previous occasions, but this time hoped that by diving resurgences in the Yangtse valley they might be a Read more

Expedition: Boesam Pass Expedition

The original objective was Yashkuk Sar II in the Chapursan valley, but the permit for this was not issued in time. An alternative in the Virjerab glacier was chosen but on arrival in Shimshal they dis Read more

Expedition: British Darwin Range 2001

Owing to difficult access, poor maps and appalling weather, there have been few expeditions to the Cordillera Darwin range of mountains in Chilean Tierra del Fuego. This team sailed from Ushuaia in so Read more

Expedition: British Nampula Towers - Mozambique 2001

No previous visits to Mozambique by British climbers are known. 300km east of the southern tip of Lake Malawi in the north of the country lies Nampula Province, which boasts a number of unclimbed gran Read more