Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Izvor Licanke 2021 Expedition

The renewed exploration of the Izvor Licanke cave in Fužine, Croatia is now into its 6th year. Covid-19 forced a hiatus in 2020, but this 2021 expedition was able to go ahead as planned. Unfortunately Read more

Expedition: Latok/Ogre 1996

By setting two separate targets, this leader hoped that at least one would record success. Unfortunately, he injured an ankle early in the expedition. In a spell of good weather, Murphy and Wills reac Read more

Expedition: British Hub-Sew 1995

On arrival in the Mount Logan area of Canada, this team was surprised to find very little snow, but later over four metres fell in a single night. Hub-Sew (3,570m) looked unsafe throughout the expedit Read more

Expedition: 1993 Tasermiut Fjord

This two-man team planned to climb new big-wall routes on the remote towers of Ketil and Ilamertorssuaq (both c2,200m) near Cape Farewell. The NE ridge of the first was abandoned as being too serious Read more

Expedition: British Kukua 1993

This was a ten-man Service trip to a rarely visited glacier area in the Karakoram with the intention of exploring and climbing peaks up to 6,000m as preparation for an expedition to Gasherbrum III in Read more