Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Teng Kangpoche North Face

'Officially' unclimbed, Teng Kangpoche (6,500m) had already been subject to an attempt by this leader in 2003, when he climbed a solo line, 'Love and Hate' on the NE face to the point where it joined Read more

Expedition: British West Sichuan

The objective of this team was Haizi Shan (5,833m) which lies in an area of West Sichuan not previously visited by British climbers and never officially attempted by anyone. From Chengdu, their approa Read more

Expedition: British Chomolhari 2004

Qomo Lhari (7,326m) in Yadong County, S Tibet (close to the Bhutan border) was first climbed in 1937 by F Spencer Chapman, but did not receive its second ascent until 1970 and its third in 1996. This Read more

Expedition: South Georgia '03

Continuing the Tilman sailing/climbing tradition, this team (with representatives from UK, NZ and Canada) sailed from Cape Horn with the intention of carrying out a programme of mountain exploration a Read more

Expedition: Tepui 2003

Making a return visit to Venezuela, this husband and wife team aimed to free-climb new routes on a number of tepuis and other rock faces in the Gran Sabana region. Access through the jungle to the bas Read more