Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: KMC Tórnârssuk Expedition

Tórnârssuk Island is uninhabited and lies off SW Greenland to the west of Pamiagdluk, an island visited by a Karabiner MC expedition in 2004 [MEF 04/20]. This team planned to explore and establish new Read more

Expedition: N Wales Changabang '05

The plan to climb a new route on the west face of Changabang (to the right of the Boardman-Tasker route) originated with Twid Turner and Louise Thomas, who heard that the Nanda Devi Sanctuary had reop Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Shar Kangsum 2005

There are about 15 peaks above 6,000m in the Shar Kangsum range of Tibet, and this University expedition planned to explore and make first (official) ascents of as many of them as possible. Although t Read more

Expedition: New Zealand Unclimbed Tibet 2005

Although a permit for a similar expedition was issued in 2004 it was withdrawn at a late stage. This year they were luckier, and although hampered by heavy rain, the team was able to access the Lawa V Read more

Expedition: Cambridge University Mongolia 2005

The best laid plans oft go awry, especially when conditions on the ground fail to match their appearance on maps and satellite photographs. When this duo eventually reached Monhh Khiarhan (4,202m) (Mo Read more