Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Kokshaal Too, Kyrgyzstan 2023

Despite being dropped 8km short of their planned base camp and facing generally adverse weather conditions, this team of four was still able to make attempts on two summits – one on Pik Zabor and the Read more

Expedition: Virjerab 2023

Having originally planned to attempt a number of peaks near the junction of the Second West Virjerab Glacier and the East Virjerab Glacier, the expedition was forced to change plans when sufficient po Read more

Expedition: British Ruth Gorge

Although the spectacular glacial rift known as Ruth Gorge is well-explored, there are still plenty of opportunities for new routes in the surrounding area. This was proved by this duo who, after warmi Read more

Expedition: British/New Zealand Alaska Extravaganza

The main objective of this team was Z Buttress on Mount Hunter (4441m), but on arrival in the area, they learned that a Swiss team had beaten them to it and made the first ascent one week earlier. How Read more

Expedition: Western Kokshaal-Too

The main aim of this team visiting Kyrgyzstan was to make the first ascent of the North Ridge of Kizil Asker (5842m). After meeting in Bishkek they spent a few days acclimatising in the Ala-Archa Nati Read more