Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Solu 2000

Although this team had originally planned to explore the Sokhu Glacier, when they learned that the nearby Solu was totally unvisited, they decided to explore that instead. Poor weather foiled their at Read more

Expedition: Poi North Face

This team attempted the Yosemite-like unclimbed 760m N Face of Mount Poi (the 'Ayers Rock' of Kenya, situated in the Ndoto Mountains several hundred kilometres N of Nairobi) in February 1999, but inju Read more

Expedition: Baffin Island 2022

The team flew into Pangnirtung from where they travelled up Pangnirtung Fjord into Auyuittuq National Park. Their primary objective, Mount Turnweather, is located just east of the park boundary. Based Read more

Expedition: Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Acclimatisation to High Altitude

Based at the Barcroft Research Station in California, US, the aims of this research expedition changed to focus on examining the effect of high altitude on vascular function in men and women rather th Read more

Expedition: Altitude Physiology EXpedition (APEX) 6

This scientific expedition from the University of Edinburgh travelled to La Paz in Bolivia and onward to a high-altitude laboratory at Huayna Potosí. The aim of the expedition was to collect physiolog Read more