Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Da Kangri

The objective of this team was an elegant 6,270m double-peaked mountain in Toling Dechen county, a mountainous area in the south of the Nyenchentangla range of Tibet, which - as far as was known - had Read more

Expedition: 2003 British Kyrgyz-Kuilu

This expedition was intended to enable members to celebrate the fiftieth birthday of the Chester Mountaineering Club, so had to cater for a wide range of abilities. Being little visited, the Kuilu-Too Read more

Expedition: Hong Meigui Yunnan 2002

Until 2001, there had been little interest in the caves of North Yunnan, but that year a reconnaissance expedition indicated an overall depth potential exceeding 4,000m - hence this return trip. At he Read more

Expedition: British Heart of Asia 2002

Although a team of Polish visitors to the Mongolian Altai climbed many of the peaks and produced a sketch map of the area in 1967, subsequent visits have been few and far between, other than to the hi Read more

Expedition: British Tyva 2002

There were three parts to this expedition making a return visit to the AkĀ­ dovurak region of Tyva (aka Tuva), a country the size of England and Wales in the Russian Federation between Siberia and Mong Read more