Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Rio Turbio, Lost Valley of the Andes

Despite the presence of big granite crags, the Rio Turbo valley in Argentina's Lago Puelo National Park (close to the Chilean border) had not previously been visited by British climbers. Unusually hea Read more

Expedition: Stoats Apolobamba 2005

Although Japanese climbers visited the Acamani region of the SouthEastern Cordillera Apolobamba during the early sixties, little is known of their achievements and recently published Bolivian maps do Read more

Expedition: British Cordillera Oriental 2005

Although the Cordillera Oriental is relatively easy of access and the majority of its peaks are of moderate height, it is one of the lesser-visited areas of Peru. However, the vulnerability of a two-m Read more

Expedition: Tepui 2005

Following their success two years earlier [MEF 03/27] the Arrans returned to Venezuela with an augmented team hoping for similar results in 2005. Unfortunately they found that access to other unclimbe Read more

Expedition: British Sikkim 2005

Although the fact that Sikkim has borders with Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan means that all visitors have to obtain an 'inner line' permit, this is not difficult, and the authorities have recently designate Read more