Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Benarat 2024 Expedition

This expedition, one part of the ongoing Mulu Caves Project, sought to explore the cavesĀ of Gunung BenaratĀ in Gunung Mulu National Park. Over 18 days based at the Park's Camp 5, the expedition succeed Read more

Expedition: British Chang Himal North Face

Although Chang Himal (aka Wedge Peak, 6802m) in the Kangchenjunga Himal is reputed to have been climbed from the South, this team planned to make the first ascent of the 1800m Central Spur on its Nort Read more

Expedition: British St Elias Range

This team was originally hoping to make the first ascent of the West Ridge of Mount Hubbard (4577m) in the remote Wrangell St Elias Range on the Yukon border with Alaska. However, when they heard that Read more

Expedition: Welsh Central Torres del Paine

Few expeditions can have undergone as many changes between conception and completion as this one. Following changes to leadership and three team members, the trip was postponed from late 2007 into 200 Read more

Expedition: British Phari Lapcha (Machermo) 2008

Phari Lapcha (aka Machermo, 6,017m) stands adjacent to the well-trodden route to Gokyo, and this pair hoped to climb a new route on the left-hand side of its north face. However, at approximately half Read more