Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Agyasol (6203m)

Though bad weather foiled two attempts to make the first ascent of Agyasol, the Kingston Polytechnic team have made a useful contribution to Himalayan topography with their survey of the complex Agyas Read more

Expedition: ‘Alder in the Arctic’

When two members of the expedition tested positive for Covid-19 on arrival in Alaska, this team were forced to alter their plans, relocating the planned site of their research from Umiat to the Yukon- Read more

Expedition: Angmagssalik Expedition 2022

This expedition’s initial objective was to complete a 25km traverse of several peaks on the west side of Ikasagtivaq fjord. Once underway the team quickly realised that, due to the poor quality of the Read more

Expedition: British Ganglung Kangri Expedition 2022

After obtaining their permits in Kathamndu, the expedition team flew to Simikot from where they began the long trek into basecamp. The journey took eight days, during which the weather was consistentl Read more

Expedition: Muchu Chhish 2022

The world’s second highest unclimbed peak has had several suitors over recent decades, to which this pair now add their names. Travelling to Pakistan in August 2022, they encountered appalling conditi Read more