Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Plymouth Polytechnic Kurdopin Expedition

From a Base Camp near the snout of the Kurdopin Glacier, an unnamed peak of 5,800m was climbed, believed to be a first ascent. Exploration of the Virjerab Glacier area revealed other peaks believed un Read more

Expedition: British Amne Machin Expedition

This party succeeded in the first ascent of Amne Machin IX (5,690m), the prominent S ourlier of this range in NW Central China. A thorough exploration of the E side of the 30km-long massif was carried Read more

Expedition: Scottish Annapurna III

A porters' strike on the fIfth day out, the resulting exhaustion from heavy load-carrying, coupled with the unseasonable snowfalls of October 1985, prevented this party from reaching higher than the 5 Read more

Expedition: Cho Oyu International Winter Expedition

A fast-moving alpine-style climb by three pairs took advantage of the fine weather of the first week of December to tackle Cho Oyu by the Nangpa La and the SW ridge. The Czech pair reached the summit Read more

Expedition: British Mera South Face Expedition

Despite the deep snow of this early-season start, Base Camps were established below both the N and S faces of Mera (6,461m), in the Khumbu Himal near Lukla. Two members succeeded in the first ascent o Read more