Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Loughborough Students Andes

Part I: July-August 1989. This eight-member team from Loughborough spent six weeks in Bolivia, climbing in the Cordillera Apolobamba where they made the first British ascent and traverse of Huelancall Read more

Expedition: Northern Group East Greenland Expedition

This nine-member group climbed some 15 of the significant peaks in the previously unvisited northern area of the Kronprins Frederik mountains of East Greenland. Read more

Expedition: Hagshu Peak Expedition

This five-member team accomplished their objective of the first ascent of Hagshu Peak (c6,300m) from the north. A first attempt by the NW ridge and across the E face was abandoned, but the second team Read more

Expedition: Hushe Valley Expedition

This six-member party concentrated on the Aling glacier system, a tributary of the main Hushe valley, and made what they believed to be the first ascent of Reed Peak (5,625m). They also carried out an Read more

Expedition: International Hushe Valley Expedition

This 15-member party had as its objective the Charakusa and other spires. Heavy snow and poor rock caused retreat on the Charakusa spires, on Namika and on Sulu (6,010m), but a group succeeded in clim Read more