Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Karakoram Conquest 93

A very large party from RAF Mountain Rescue teams planned to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Service with this expedition to the Hunza valley. Whilst many went trekking, a hard core attempted 7, Read more

Expedition: Asan Pamirs

Local fighting and a cholera outbreak added to the hazards that this four man team faced before attempting big-wall climbs from the Asan valley. They succeeded in climbing Yellow Wall (TD) and the W f Read more

Expedition: Parrots in Peril, Ecuador

This team (4 British, 4 Ecuadorean) achieved their aim of surveying various sites up to 3200m in the Podocarpus National Park to assess the threat to three species of parrot, and also to assess the en Read more

Expedition: Gemini Karakoram

One man of this climbing pair made solo first ascents of Point 5,550m (Passu glacier) by the S face ice couloir, and of the N face and NW ridge of Fiyag (5,550m) (also known as Badshani or King's Peak Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Pamir Expedition

This team visited the remote Abdukagur valley area of Eastern Tadzhikistan and made five British first ascents of mountains from 5,400m to 6,350m. They also made a unique collection of mosses, lichens Read more