Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Foraker

After acclimatising on the Moonflower Buttress and West Ridge of Mt Hunter (4,441 m) and the West Buttress of Denali (6,194m), as the weather deteriorated this team turned their attention to their mai Read more

Expedition: Jirishanca Re-match

Jirishanca (6,094m), at the northern end of the Cordillera Huayhuash of Peru, is rated as one of the most difficult mountains in S America. Having experienced a 'near-death experience' due to bad weat Read more

Expedition: British Australian Torssukatak Spires 2003

This team of rock climbers selected the Cape Farewell area for their first visit to Greenland. A new 1,400m E3 5c route 'The Cruise Line', was achieved on The Thumbnail (E face of Agdlerussakasit, fir Read more

Expedition: Prins Christian Sund 2003

The prime objective of this team of rock climbers was the first ascent of an unnamed granite peak immediately east of Igdlorssitt Havn in the Prins Christian Sund area of South Greenland; this had bee Read more

Expedition: The Longest Day

This two-man team had two objectives in mind for their return visit to Alaska, one being a new route on the SE Face of Mt Foraker, 5,305m. However, they discovered that this route was threatened by at Read more