Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Chacraraju East

The original plan of this expedition was to make the first ascent of the E face of Chacraraju East (6,001m) in the Cordillera Blanca. However, on arriving in Peru, they learned that the route had alre Read more

Expedition: University College London Quimsa Cruz, Bolivia 2004

Although the southern part of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz has become popular with climbers in recent years, information about their ascents is confused: several 'first ascents' may have been claimed fo Read more

Expedition: Anglo-Scottish Vilcanota

Although this team experienced 'the best weather ever seen in big mountains' during the time they were in the area, their activities were largely dictated by an unseasonably heavy fall of snow that ha Read more

Expedition: Sima Pumacocha 2004

Although not previously supported by the MEF, this international venture was a continuation of exploration of Sima Pumacocha in the Yauyos District of Central Peru. With a surveyed depth of 638m this Read more

Expedition: Mount Vancouver 2003

Before tackling their prime objective, this experienced duo elected to attempt the unclimbed North Peak of Mount Foresta, one of the multiple pointed summits between Mount Vancouver and Mount Seattle Read more