Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: lndo-British Mt Changuch Expedition

Six Indian and four British members found their objective, Changuch, unapproachable from the Pindar Valley and instead made the first ascent of the N ridge of Laspa Dhura at the head of the Kafni Glac Read more

Expedition: Leeds Expedition to Peruvian Andes

This four-man team claims three first (hitherto unrecorded) ascents in the Huayhuash Range, namely the N face of Sarapo Oeste (5,567m), the E ridge of Ancocancha Este (5,600m) and the W ridge of Seria Read more

Expedition: Cambridge Medical Expedition to the Andes

This team carried out medical work in two villages and one small town (Have) on the Peruvian shore of Lake Titicaca, collecting the faeces of children up to eight years old to study intestinal parasit Read more

Expedition: OId Oundelians: Tirich Mir

Except for one member suffering frost-bite, this was a happy expedition of four Old Oundelians and seven boys from the school, who tackled four new peaks of 5,400m as training, successfully climbed bo Read more

Expedition: Climbs from the Karakoram Highway

Heat, illness and arguments with porters dogged Doug Scott's plans for ascents of Rakaposhi N face and Nanga Parbat from the S. Nonetheless, members of his mixed party did climb Diran (7,273m), and th Read more