Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Glasgow University Andean Expedition

This four-man team climbed the NE ridge of Vallunaraju (5868m) and made the first traverse of the SW-NW ridges of Nevado Huandoy Este (probably first British ascent). Read more

Expedition: Laguna Paron (Cordillera Blanca)

This four-man team spent five weeks at 4,000m, studying the bathymetry of this glacial lake, and the glaciology of the ice-filled moraine (Hatunraju) at its foot. Findings will be made available to El Read more

Expedition: Paldor - Ganesh Himal

This team succeeded in first ascents of the W ridge of Paldor (5,928m) and of the satellite peak, the Fang (5,894m). One member suffered from cerebral oedema; the party was robbed on its way out. Read more

Expedition: Latok 2 Karakoram Expedition

This strong team, after climbing to over 7,000m on their objective - the W ridge of Latok 2 (7,145m) - were forced to retreat after three days stormbound at the highest camp. Read more

Expedition: Markhun Karakoram Expedition

This five-man team succeeded in the first ascent of Tupopdan (6,106m) in the Karun Koh area. Read more