Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: London Nilkantha Expedition

This eight-member party approached Nilkantha from the S by the Panapatia- Bamak valley to attempt the unclimbed SE ridge but turned back at Hoom owing to snow conditions. They also reached 5,500m on P Read more

Expedition: Indo-British Rima Group Expedition

Two teams (one mixed, the other Indian) obtained permission to climb the Rima group in the Upper Siachen glacier 'war zone'. Two members (one British, one American) succeeded in the first ascent of Ri Read more

Expedition: Snow Lake Expedition

This seven-member party attempted seven peaks from a Base Camp at Shigambarisch in the Snow Lake area at the head of the Hispar glacier. All were abandoned owing to bad snow conditions, though one min Read more

Expedition: British Siula Chico-Andes

This three-man team, making their first expedition outside Europe, did well to succeed in a direct route up the W face of Jurac 'D', and in reaching within soom of the summit of Trapecio (5,500m) via Read more

Expedition: International Friendship Expedition to Muztagh Ata

This well co-ordinated international team, with US, Venezuelan, Japanese, French and British members, failed in their first objective of reaching the N peak of Muztagh Ata (7427m) on skis, turning bac Read more