Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Garhwal Expedition

This five-member party succeeded in the first ascent of Manda III (6,529m) and attempted the N ridge of Point 5,550m. Read more

Expedition: British/New Zealand Nanga Parbat

Three British and five New Zealand climbers made two attempts on the Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat but were defeated at the top of the Diamir Face, well above 7,000m. Read more

Expedition: Himalayan Venture 90 (Kamet)

This joint venture of eleven British Royal Air Force and ten Indian Air Force climbers aimed to make the first British ascent of the W ridge of Kamet (7,756m). Two summit attempts were made before ret Read more

Expedition: South Patagonian Ice-Cap Expedition

This three-man party did not achieve their main objective of a return crossing of the S Patagonian ice-cap (Chile), between latitude 51°S 51°10'S or toreconnoitre the Cerro del Diablo, but they did su Read more

Expedition: Bath University Apolobamba Cordillera

After climbing Huascaran Sur in Peru, this four-member team moved to the Cordillera Apolobamba in Bolivia, where they achieved the first ascent of the N ridge of Cololo (5,915m), the second British as Read more