Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Cerro Kishtwar

A previous attempt to make the first truly alpine-style ascent of this 6,200m peak had failed after 17 days when the team ran out of food. The summit was reached by two of this four-man team in a litt Read more

Expedition: British Gasherbrum IV

This team of six planned to climb a new route on the S ridge to make the first British ascent of this 7,980m peak, but once on the mountain they decided to try the S face route attempted by an America Read more

Expedition: Southampton University Bolivian Expedition

The initial aim of this six-member team, to climb Huanacuni (5,789m) by a new route, was abandoned; but they made first British ascents of Huanacuni Eastward (5 500m) and of six or seven other peaks o Read more

Expedition: Thalay Sagar Expedition

Two members of this seven-member party succeeded in climbing Thalay Sagar (6,904m) by a new route from the south - the first British ascent and seventh overall. Others in the party climbed Rudugaira ( Read more

Expedition: New Zealand Cholatse

Three climbers in one group and one solo climber succeeded in the first ascent of Cholatse (6,440m) by the rib on the W face. Read more