Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Yulong Shan

Continuing his exploration of unusual areas, this leader hoped to make the first ascent of Satseto, 5,730m, the highest peak in the Yulong-Xue Shan range in the N Yunnan Province of China. Approach fr Read more

Expedition: Anglo-Welsh Tien Shan

This team had hoped to make first (British) ascents of several peaks from the North Inylchek glacier but were beaten by a combination of weather, dangerous snow conditions and sickness. However, they Read more

Expedition: NiIkantha Ninety-Three

Although 'only' 6,596m high, this peak in the Garhwal has repulsed all parties to date. This expedition was no more successful as, owing to Pasteur's poor acclimatisation, the attempt was abandoned at Read more

Expedition: Upper Mustang (Scientific)

This was a most unusual project undertaken by a mixed party of specialists to assess the impact that tourism is having on a Tibet-like trekking area of Nepal only opened up in 1991. Backed by the Anna Read more

Expedition: Jordanhill College East Greenland

This was a four-man team planning to make the first British ascent (preferably by a new route on the NE face) of Laupers Bjerg (2,500m). That route proved to be too technical, but a successful ascent Read more