Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Karavshin-Lailiak '99

Parnell and Pretty travelled out in advance of the others, intending to spend a month climbing in the Lailiak area. After two weeks with little more than bouldering due to bad weather, they decided to Read more

Expedition: Durham University Svalbard 98

This was a scientific expedition undertaking a multifaceted study of the characteristics and long-term behaviour of two surge-type glaciers in Reindalen, Central Spitsbergen. A further study of iceflo Read more

Expedition: Meru Sharksfin

The Shark's Fin on the E Face of Meru Central, 6,500m, is approached by a 1,000m snow slope, following which there is a diagonal ramp/buttress, another snowpatch and then the fin itself. These transit Read more

Expedition: Shipton's Lost Valley

In 1934, Eric Shipton and Bill Tilman made a lightweight crossing of the Badrinath-Kedarnath watershed: before completing it, they ran out of food and had to live on bamboo shoots. Due to the introduc Read more

Expedition: North Wales Unclimbed Pakistan

The Nangma Valley is little visited by British climbers, but contains some excellent granite walls and unclimbed peaks. In a similar manner to 97/18 last year (during which they recced this area) afte Read more