Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British North Lungkar

Maps of remote areas can be most unreliable, with different heights - and names - being allocated to the same peaks. From several maps, this team spotted an unclimbed peak about 100km south-west of Ge Read more

Expedition: Kuksay 2007

Although close to the ever popular Mustagh Ata, the Kuksay glacier of West Kunlun still had several significant unclimbed peaks, and this team (all making their first visit to the greater ranges) hope Read more

Expedition: British KangerdIugssuaq 2005

This group of teachers used Tangent Expeditions to access the region to the south of the Hutchinson glacier in order to explore and reach the summit of as many unclimbed peaks as possible in the time Read more

Expedition: 2005 Ak-Su 'Free and Clean'

Since access to the eastern bloc countries is now so much easier, the granite spires above the Ak-Su main and subsidiary valleys of Kyrgyzstan have become a popular destination for technical rock-clim Read more

Expedition: British Mount Dickey

This team planned a new 'laser-line' 1,600m route on the E face of Mount Dickey (2,909m) in the Ruth Gorge of Central Alaska to the right of 'Blood from a Stone', as well as 'scoping' other new route Read more