Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Impacts of Mining on Glacier Change in the Central Chilean Andes

This research expedition set out with the intention of gathering data to better aid the understanding of long and short-term glacial change in the Olivares Basin, including any effects from nearby min Read more

Expedition: DRUMICE 2023

Drumlins are oval-shaped hills which form below glaciers and ice sheets. This research expedition from the University of Sheffield travelled to the Þjórsárjökull glacier in Iceland with the aim of est Read more

Expedition: British Patkhor Expedition 2023

The aim of this two-man expedition was to make the first ascent of a line on the north/east face of Patkhor (6083m) before traversing the peak and descending via its south face. On 13 July, the pair m Read more

Expedition: Eastern Huayhuash 2007

The original objectives of this team - all current or former members of the University of Birmingham Mountaineering Club - were to explore the western side of the southern spur of the CordilIera Huayh Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Quimsa Cruz 2007

For their first trip to the greater ranges these five young students selected an area to the east and north-east of Laguna Blanca of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz of Bolivia as offering plenty of scope f Read more