Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Caucasus Expedition

This four-member team succeeded in their objective of making the first ascent of the W face of the N peak of Ushba. In addition they explored the major valleys of the area with a view to making inform Read more

Expedition: I M Marsh College Expedition to East Greenland

Despite a (non-fatal) rockfall accident, this expedition climbed a number of peaks from a base camp at the junction of the Bersaekerka and Dunnottar Glaciers, including the SE face of Dunnottar, and a Read more

Expedition: British Sickle Moon Expedition

From a base camp on the Sarbal glacier this party, led by J.R Peart attempted an ice line on the NW face of the S ridge of Sickle Moon but heavy snow crushed Camp 2 at 5,500m and continuous snowfall f Read more

Expedition: Cambridge Ladakh Expedition

This party carried out studies of the complex geology of part of the Zanskar range; in particular, the valley morphology of the Markha valley and its glacial morphology above Nimaling. They also resea Read more

Expedition: Mount Forel, Greenland Expedition

Bad weather caused Derek Fordham and his party to alter their plan for a ski approach to Mt. Forel (3,360m) N of Angmassalik, in favour of landing by air on the N side of the mountain. Attempts on the Read more