Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: UK New Zealand Andes Expedition to Cordillera Real

Of this four-member party, Hair and Payne made first ascents of the S face direct of Rasac (6,040m) and of the SE face of Rinrijirka (5,810m). Together with the others, ascents were made of three of t Read more

Expedition: British Kishtwar Expedition

Rosser led a team of nine up the Chenab into the Burt Nalla with the object of making the first ascent of Hagshu (6,330m). Though the technical difficulties of the climb were not thought considerable, Read more

Expedition: Leeds Gangotri Expedition

This four-man team attempted the first ascent of the unnamed W summit (6,504m) of Satopanth as their fIrst Himalayan experience. After a bivouac at 5,800m, with continuous avalanches nearby, they deci Read more

Expedition: British Chogolisa Expedition

This five-member party led by Fanshawe made a successful traverse of the twin peaks of Chogolisa (7,665m, 7,654m) in light-weight alpine style between 10 and 15 August. Three members subsequently atte Read more

Expedition: Army Expedition to Chogolungma

All eight British members of this team from the 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards achieved their objective of making the first ascent, by the N ridge, of an unnamed peak of 5,820m in the Rakaposhi range. The Read more