Mount Everest Foundation
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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Shani S Face Expedition

This seven-member party from University College, London, was foiled in two attempts on the unclimbed SE face of Shani (5,885m) in the Naltar valley, but succeeded in what were probably new routes on t Read more

Expedition: Lhotse Shar, South Face

Mal Duff and Sandy Allan, the climbing pair of a five-man team, attempted the S face of Lhotse Shar in alpine style, reaching 7,100m when Duff was hit on the head by a falling block of ice, suffering Read more

Expedition: Sickle Moon

Persistent bad weather in the first half of September prevented this team from getting much beyond their Base Camp at Sattarchin at 3,440m. Read more

Expedition: British Expedition to Broad Peak (8047m)

This four-man team included Norman Croucher, the remarkable double-leg amputee. The party, including Croucher, reached 6,900m, but avalanche risk and weather conditions put a stop to further progress. Read more

Expedition: Royal Navy/Royal Marines Mountaineering Club Joint East Africa Expedition

Most of this large group of 22 succeeded in climbing Nelion of Mt Kenya by the normal route. Some teams did more difficult routes, including the Diamond Couloir and the Ice Window. Others climbed glac Read more